Monday, March 31, 2008

Serger Time and New (hand me downs) Clothes

Not much going on in the studio. I was given clothes from a friend who is much taller then me. I have to cut off about three inches from all the pants and I still one inch for the hem. Yep I am short or as my friend Mark says my ass is just low to the ground. Most all of the pants are a bit big and the sweaters and shirts are perfect. Last year my sister gave me 3 bags of clothes that many of the pants, shorts and shirts were to small so I put them away. I never figure I would loose enough weight to fit in them and I would just pass them along. The five heart attack diet worked so well for me I have lost enough weight that most of the clothes are now to big for me. I love having new clothes. My friends and sister have good taste and spent their money very well. I am getting comfortable with my new smaller size and now it is time for me to pass my clothes on to another person.

Have A Great Evening!

Debbi (email)
©2006 - 2008 DubiQuilts


Donna said...

An illness diet is not one I recommend to anyone, but it is highly effective.... Glad you had some "new to you" clothes around to enjoy without needing to purchase a new wardrobe :-)

Susan said...

I have have to shorten everything I purchase........ Come to think of it I have a pair of pants that need hemming now.......

Glad you are improving daily.

kt said...

while your dieting methods are highly suspect... congrats on being happier! after what you've been through - no one deserves it more than you. may you keep on the improvement trail...

Tanya Brown said...

Enjoy your new clothes in good health! May the rest of 2008 be kind to you.