It was so good to sleep in my own bed last night. Now I am going back and taking a nap. My new hobby is resting and for this week I am going to make the most of it.
dubiquilts@dubiquilts.com (email)
©2006 - 2008 DubiQuilts
A Journey in Quilts, Fiber Arts, and Life.
Take care of yourself!!!
Oh Debbi, I am behind in reading posts, and as I was reading about you not feeling well during your hiatius. What an awful time to be sick, and how awful that it was so serious. I'm glad you have seen the doctor, and that things are getting better. Take care of yourself.
Debbi, this must have been terrifying. I'm so glad that you got medical help, and I'm also glad that we live now instead of fifty or even ten years ago.
Thank you for taking the time to post in the midst of a troubling time. I will be thinking of you. Please let those of us out in blogland know if you run out of reading material. 8>)
Debbi, I am behind in reading, and am so distressed to read of your ordeal. I am glad you got medical attention, and that you are resting now. I know you don't need any more stress at this difficult time in your life. I will send prayers and healing thoughts your way. Get well soon, your boys need you.
Debbi, So sorry to read about your health troubles! Good that your getting medical help. It has been said that when women suffer heart attaks they often dont think much of the chest pains. scary stuff. You are in my prayers.
I tried to leave a post yesterday but Blogger wasn't having it.
Debbi - Take Great Care of Yourself. Don't go doing anything to exhausting. Lots of bed rest and reading and perhaps the odd bit of hand quilting, but don't do anything. Let your family look after you for a change. Keeping you in my thoughts.
Whoa, Debbi, I just knew there must be something wrong. I've had you on my mind for ages now, and although I haven't been on the computer much at all the past several weeks, I did notice that you weren't 'around'. Oh goodness, girlfriend, do take it easy and take care of yourself!! Sending quilted hugs and prayers for your swift recovery!
You are so lucky! My mother was diagnosed too late.
Another chance & you are well loved & treasured. Do take care of yourself.xx
Debby I'm sorry to read about you and your heart.........
I'm sure that evething will be better........in the meantime take care yourself.
ciao ciao
I am so sorry Deb. I worried about your chest pains when I read about them last posting! Looks like you got good blood flow back to your left side. This is what I do for a living, work in CCU as an RN, so I can say I truly kind of know what you are going through. Rest and take that Plavix!! Don't miss a dose. Hopefully your follow-up Echo will say your heart is functioning well. Hope you are Ok and I will be praying for your angioplasty for your Right side (RCA). Sincerely, Julie
I was sorry to read about what you've been through. I'm glad you're home and I hope everything goes well for you now.
I'm glad to hear you came through fine. Take care.
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