Friday was setup for NJRTOC Chicagoland Drill Meet. It was the first time since my heart attacks and angioplasty that I had the chance to put my heart to the test by working. I was running around, lifting boxes, standing, bending down and never had chest pains. Now I know the stent is doing the job. When I got home at ten that night all I wanted to do was fall into bed and sleep which I did. Saturday JB had to be at the drill meet by 5:30am so his dad took him. My plan was to follow my schedule and not get up until 7am, take my meds, test my blood sugar, eat, shower and get to the drill meet at 9am. Since I was up at 4:30am with JB I decided to stay up and got to the meet at 6:30. I worked the T-shirt, Fundraiser Tickets and Knock Out Tickets Table. I was able to sit most of the day so I was not on my feet for 12 twelve hours like the people who worked the food concessions. This was a very good decision because I would not of lasted more than a few hours at the concession table. By mid afternoon even with sitting on my butt I was exhausted and falling asleep. I still had a long afternoon and evening ahead of me because after the drill met I had plans with a friend. By 6pm the awards were beginning, I knew it would take an hour, we still had clean up so I packed the t-shirts and cleaned my area. I could not keep my eyes open anymore so I left the drill meet. I headed home for a fast shower and clean clothes. When I met up with my friend we had a great dinner, watched TV, talked and then it was off to bed. It was a great night filled with dreams until the demons decide to invade my thoughts. I am so lucky to have a great friend to hold me when I needed it the most. You are the best and I am very lucky to have you in my life.
Photos from the drill meet.

Sunday was a day just to share with a friend, have fun, relax and learn new things. I could not of asked for a better day or friend to share it with. Thank-you so much!
Debbi (email)
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